Фирма „Мегапрофил ИГ” ЕООД е част от голямото семейство на “ИНТЕРКОМ ГРУП” ООД и е специализирана в производството и търговията на кръгли, квадратни и правоъгълни кухи стоманени профили от ERW. Основана през февруари 2006 г. “Мегапрофил ИГ” ЕООД е предприятие в България, с централен офис в Русе.
Съвременно оборудване и съвременни технологии осигуряват затваряне на производствения цикъл от нарязване на рулони до производство на голям мащаб стоманени кухи секции и тръби с различни размери. В експлоатация са 3 производствени линии в следните диапазони:
10..28mm; 13,4..42,4mm and 38..114,3mm with monthly capacity of more than 3000 mt;
“MEGAPROFIL” Company is a part of the big family of INTERCOM GROUP LTD. and it is specialized in the production and trade of round, square and rectangular ERW steel hollow sections. Founded in February 2006, the company is comparatively new, but it uses and introduces all top techniques and technologies in the field of pipe production. Based in Rousse the largest Bulgarian Danube river port, gives a good advantage for transportation of the goods to the main target markets in Central and Western Europe. Modern equipment and up-to-date technologies ensure closing of the production cycle from slitting of coils to the production of a large scale of steel hollow sections and pipes with different dimensions. In operation are 3 production lines in following ranges:
10..28mm; 13,4..42,4mm and 38..114,3mm with monthly capacity of more than 3000 mt;
the output are pipes and sections according to following standards and applications:
· Precision: EN 10305-3; EN10305-5; DIN 2394
· Structural: EN 10219-1; EN10219-2; DIN 2395
· Industrial: DIN 2458/DIN 1615
Company’s aim in near future is to introduce production of tubes and pipes corresponding to standards for following applications:
· Scaffolding: EN 39; BS1139
· Installation: EN 10255; DIN 2440; DIN 2441
A guarantee for the high quality of the ready production are the introduced System for Quality and Production management EN ISO 9001:2000, Bulgarian technical approval for construction “CO” mark, and implemented
“CE” mark. MEGAPROFIL’s production is in full compliance to the relative standards in EU. Non destructive Eddy Current testing and Quality control at all stages of production as well as the professional team of engineering and sales specialists, make the company target: to produce and deliver always in time perfect quality products, easy achievable. Nowadays, the Company numbers more then 100 qualified employees and spreads over 20 000 sq.m., production premises, 2500 mt ready production covered warehouse, raw material stock and open areas. The trends in the demand and supply, the innovation processes, improvement of the product’s quality and service and the competitiveness are the main targets that lie down in the development of MEGAPROFIL.
гр. Русе, кв. Източна Промишлена Зона